Arthur Doweyko
"Remember Me" - Oil painting
Arthur Doweyko has authored over 100 scientific papers, invented novel 3D drug design software, and shared the 2008 Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award for the discovery of Sprycel, a new anti-cancer drug. He writes science fiction and fantasy, and his novels include Algorithm (2010 Royal Palm Literary Award, pub 2014, E-Lit), As Wings Unfurl (Best Pre-Pub Sci-Fi RPLA 2014, pub 2016, Red Adept), and Mt Shorts (2016 anthology of his short works). The latter includes a number of award-winning short stories (Honorable Mentions in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Competition and RPLA finalists). Doweyko teaches college chemistry and wanders the beaches when not jousting with aliens.