I love you truly. Truly I do. Everything about me loves everything about you. The way my wrist cracks loves you. The 0.9 mechanical pencil I always use loves you. The clicking sounds made by my keyboard loves you. Each painted nail I have loves you. Look out! I love you. My webbed toes that we both often forget about love you. The Minecraft keychain we bought together loves you. My sigh as you avoid peanut butter loves you. The bee on my dresser loves you. My heart loves you. Also my family. An open window is both an open window and an obvious symbol of how I love you. My voice soft as Hayloft: love. My insisting on making you drive: love. My pleasant “good morning”: love. You know how when I’m tired I nuzzle my head onto your chest? Love. The blue of my eyes express love. The time spent with you from morning to night loves you. Layers of love, a glacier. Hour after hour of my favorite show loves you. I dissect you cell by cell, so that I might love each one individually and at leisure. My lungs, expand with the sureness of my love, which can never have enough of you. Breathlessly, like two people looking out at the vast expanse of space.
Kane Driscoll is a sophomore English and Creative Writing major from Central Michigan University. In his poetry, Kane likes to focus on strong imagery while also branching into as many different styles as possible. When Kane is not writing, he can be found playing for the CMU Varsity Esports team, studying Japanese, and enjoying nature.